We received the following note from Richard Blight:
I thought you might be interested to know about a new MA (Theology) unit being offered at Moore College (Sydney, Australia) this year in the Pastoral Epistles. It is being taught by Con Campbell. Info is here: https://postgrad.moore.edu.au/unitsoffered/
The required reading list is available online here: https://postgrad.moore.edu.au/fileadmin/user_upload/study/Pastoral_Epistles_2010_a.pdf.
If you’re interested, check out the reading material. I’ve read most of it and think most of it worth reading in the context of an MA level unit. I wish the list wouldn’t focus so much on 1Ti 2.9-15, though.
That said, I was thrilled to see Jakob Heckert’s stuff in the “further reading” list.