Apart from PastoralEpistles.com’s own Perry Stepp, who has a volume on the Pastoral Epistles coming out in Smith & Helwys’ Reading the New Testament series, Baker/Brazos has the following commentaries in queue for Fall 2008 and "sometime in 2009":
- The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: First and Second Timothy, Titus. George T. Montague, SM.
- Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible: The Pastoral Epistles with Philemon & Jude. Risto Saarinen.
- Paideia: First and Second Timothy and Titus. Christopher R. Hutson (scheduled for 2009, not on Baker’s web site yet).
Anyone know of any other publishers releasing commentaries on the Pastorals?
Also, if you’re a publisher and would like your Pastoral Epistles commentary (or any other related books) reviewed on this site, please contact us for information.