Author: Ray Van Neste (Page 2 of 11)

Ray Van Neste is a believer in Christ, husband, father, pastor, and professor. He serves as the Dean of the School of Theology & Missions and Professor of Biblical Studies at Union University, and teaches classes on New Testament, Greek, and pastoral ministry.

Bob Yarbrough: 5 Big Surprises in the PE

At the Eerdmans blog, there is a recent post where Bob Yarbrough, author of the recent Pillar Commentary on the Pastorals, answers the question, “As you worked through the biblical text, what surprised you?”

I resonate with Bob’s answers. The points aren’t particularly surprising to many (including Bob, I suppose) who have worked with the Pastorals for years, but they are contradictory to prevailing opinions about these valuable letters. This is a great little piece, and I encourage you to read it.

Thanks to Chuck Bumgardner for the heads up on this piece.

Conference on the Pastorals in Belgium

There is an upcoming conference on the Pastorals in Belgium that looks very interesting. Here is the description:

The Center of Excellence in Reformed and Evangelical Theology (CERET) hosted by the Theologische Universiteit Kampen and the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven (ETF Leuven) organizes a thematic seminar sponsored by NOSTER on the origin of the so-called Pastoral Epistles (1-2 Timothy and Titus). Joining an ongoing debate, a team of international scholars and respondents from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives will gather to discuss the question whether these New Testament writings were written as individual letters or composed as an intentional letter corpus. Scholars, students, and all who are involved in the academic study of the Pastoral Epistles are warmly invited.

You can see the press release here and view the program for the event here.

It looks very promising, and I am told they aim to publish the papers in a theme volume of the Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters in the near future. It is encouraging to see such interest in the Pastorals.

Interview with Bob Yarbrough about His New Commentary

Mike Bird has posted an interview with Bob Yarbrough about his new commentary on the Pastoral Epistles which has just recently been released. It is well worth reading, imbued with the verve and insight we’ve come to expect from Yarbrough.

Here is just one example:

Paul talks a lot about guarding the faith (1 Tim 6:20; 2 Tim 1:14). How do we “guard” the faith that has been entrusted to us today?

Assuming we have come into a saving relationship with God through repentance and faith in Christ who died for us and rose, we have to know and be growing in the faith. I’m not talking about the experience of faith but the articles of true Christian belief. The Apostles’ Creed is a good summary. Western Christianity has notoriously often gutted Christian belief of its pillars, like Jesus’ divinity and resurrection. We don’t guard the faith when we alter it to satisfy the demands of its cultured despisers, or when we make it more about human experience than the divine verities that give religious experience its validity.

Do yourself a favor and read this brief interview.

New Commentary by Bob Yarbrough

I have been eagerly anticipating Bob Yarbrough’s Pillar commentary on the Pastorals, so I was pleased to hear from Chuck Bumgardner that it is due out next week (release date 8/28). Yarbrough’s 1-3 John is one of the best commentaries I’ve read, and I’ve had the opportunity to hear he present some of his Pastorals research, so this promises to be a great volume.

It is available for pre-order at Amazon, but as Chuck pointed out the book is actually available for a much chepaer price at Target!

PE Related Papers at Upcoming Conferences

Thanks to Chuck Bumgardner, we have a list of papers related to the Pastorals slated for upcoming academic conferences.

ETS 2018 (in addition to the Pastoral Epistles Study Group)


Mary L. Conway (McMaster Divinity College): “Gender in Genesis 1-3 in Conversation with 1 Timothy 2”

Marjorie J. Cooper (Baylor University): “Analysis and Conclusions Regarding 1 Tim 2:8‒3:1a”

P. Sweeney (Winebrenner Theological Seminary): “The Spirit’s Warning of Apostasy in 1 Tim. 4:1‒3: A Pressing Concern in 1 Timothy”

Brian H. Tung (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School): “’Savior of All People’: Distinguishing Universality from Universalism in the Pastoral Epistles”


SBL 2018

Adam Booth (Duke University): “Paul among the Physicians: 1 Tim 2:15 and Salvation in a Context of Contested Health Claims”

Meira Z. Kensky (Coe College): “‘Thus a Teacher Must Be’: Pedagogical Formation in John Chrysostom’s Homilies on 1 and 2 Timothy”

Lyn Kidson (Macquarie University): “Fasting, Bodily Care, and the Widows of 1 Timothy 5:3‒15”

Andrew M. Langford (University of Chicago): “A New Solution to the Riddle of Timothy’s ‘Stomach and Frequent Ailments’ (1 Timothy 5:23): Sins, Signs, and Stigma in Ancient Philosophical and Medical Diagnosis”

Dogara Ishaya Manomi (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): “Towards an African Biblical Virtue Ethics? Hermeneutical and Methodological Reflections with Insights from the Letter to Titus”

Anna C. Miller (Xavier University): “‘Not with gold, pearls, or expensive clothes’: Wealthy Women, Speech, and Citizenship in 1 Timothy and the Democratic Polis”

Dan Nässelqvist (Lund University): “Christological Hymns in an Ancient Perspective: What We Can Learn from Embedded Prose Hymns in Non-Christian Sources” [engages 1 Tim 3:16]

W. Andrew Smith (Shepherds Theological Seminary): “Moving Forward on the Pastoral Epistles ECM [Editio Critica Maior]”

David Trobisch (Museum of the Bible): “Listening to Paul: Letter Collections as a Narrative Genre” [special attention given to the Pastorals]

Cynthia Long Westfall (McMaster Divinity College): “Texts and Social Contexts: Sets of Possibilities for Pauline Texts Concerning Gender”


International SBL 2018

Sharon Jacob (Pacific School of Religion): “Under the Guise of Modesty! Women’s Bodies, Cultural Purity, and the Politics of Dress in 1 Timothy 2:8‒15: A Contextual, Feminist, and Postcolonial Reading”

Cory B. Louie (University of Notre Dame): “Imitating Paul in His Many Contests: Life, Death, and the Ambiguous Metaphors of 2 Tim 4:6‒8”

Kwang Meng Low (National University of Singapore): “Paul Beyond Piety: A Reading of Paul’s Injunction to Prayer (1 Timothy 2:1‒7)”

Dogara Ishaya Manomi (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): “Virtue in the Letter to Titus”

Richard K. Min (University of Texas at Dallas): “The Liar Paradox in Titus 1:12”

Jermo van Nes (Evangelische Theologische Faculteit): “Peculiar Language in the Pastoral Epistles? A Reassessment of Register Variation as an Explanatory Model”



Papers for the 2018 ETS Annual Meeting

The draft for the schedule of the 2018 annual meeting of ETS has been released, including the slate of papers for the Pastoral Epistles session which will meet on Wednesday morning. I have pasted in the details below.

8:30 AM-11:40 AM

Moderator: Ray Van Neste (Union University)

8:30 AM—9:10 AM
Terry Wilder (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
A Pauline Theology of the Holy Spirit in the Letters to Timothy and Titus

9:20 AM—10:00 AM
Jeff Cockrell (Welch College)
The Good Deposit in 2 Timothy: Its Content and Trust

10:10 AM—10:50 AM
L. Timothy Swinson (Liberty University)
1 Timothy as a Matrix for the ‘Lawful’ Use of the Law

11:00 AM—11:40 AM
David Chapman (Covenant Theological Seminary)
The Pastoral Epistles and the Legacy of the Hauptbriefe Discussion

Additions to the 2017 list

Here are three items which were not previously included in out list of 2017 publications on the Pastorals. (They have now been added)

Harding, Mark. “Apocalypticism in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 259ff in Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and the Shaping of New Testament Thought. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017.

Miller, Jeff. “Saved through Childbearing? 1 Timothy 2:15 as a Hermeneutical Caveat.” Stone Campbell Journal 20.2 (2017): 215‒25.

Mounce, William D. “The Noble Task: Leadership in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 438‒51 in Biblical Leadership: Theology for the Everyday Leader. Edited by Benjamin K. Forrest and Chet Roden. Biblical Theology for the Church. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2017.

2017 Publications on the Pastoral Epistles

Thanks to Chuck Bumgardner here is a list of 2017 Publications on the Pastoral Epistles, with a few 2018 thrown in for good measure!


Beck, David R.. “The Linguistic Features of Second Timothy and Its Purpose.” Pages 159‒75 in New Testament Philology: Essays in Honor of David Alan Black. Edited by M. B. Winstead. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2018.

Bulundwe, Luc. “2 Timothy 4:6–8 as Paradigm of the Apostle Paul’s Legacy.” Athens Journal of Social Science 4.4 (2017); online:

Cooper, Marjorie J., and Jay G. Caballero. “Reasoning through Creation Order as a Basis for the Prohibition in 1 Timothy 2:12.” Presbyterion 43.1 (2017): 30‒38. Available on ResearchGate:

Crotty, R. The Christian Survivor: How Roman Christianity Defeated Its Early Competitors. Singapore: Springer, 2017. [note esp. chap 18: “Later Roman Influence on Christianity,” sections 18.5 – 18.7]

Den Dulk, Matthijs. “No More Itch (2 Tim 4.3).” New Testament Studies 64.1 (2018): 81–93.

Dettinger, Dorothee. Neues Leben in der alten Welt: Der Beitrag frühchristlicher Schriften des späten ersten Jahrhunderts zum Diskursüber familiäre Strukturen in der griechisch-römischen Welt. Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte 59. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2017. [note “Mahnungen in den Pastoralbriefen,” pp. 273–326; “Ausführungen zu Kindern in den Pastoralbriefen,” pp. 373–78]

Doedens, Jaap. “‘They Also’: Who Are the ‘Chosen Ones’ in 2 Timothy 2:10?” Sárospataki Füzetek 21.2 (2017): 101–8.

Edsall, Benjamin A. “Hermogenes the Smith and Narrative Characterisation in The Acts of Paul: A Note on the Reception of 2 Timothy.” New Testament Studies 64.1 (2018): 108–21.

Elliott, J. K. “The Relevance of Authorial Language, Style, and Usage in the Evaluation of Textual Variants in the Greek New Testament.” Pages 67–84 in The Press of the Text: Biblical Studies in Honor of James W. Voelz. Edited by A. H. Bartlet, Jeffrey Kloha, and Paul R. Raabe. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017. [cf. esp. pp. 74–76 on 1 Tim 4:9; 2 Tim 2:11; Titus 3:8; and on 2 Tim 4:22]

Feltham, Marty. “1 Timothy 2:5–6 as a Christological Reworking of the Shema.” Tyndale Bulletin 68.2 (2017): 241–60.

Giles, Kevin. Patterns of Ministry Among the First Christians. 2nd ed. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2017.

González, Eusebio. “Cristo como mediador (μεσίτης) en el NT.” Scripta Theologica (Pamplona, Spain) 49.2 (2017): 279­-299; article with English-language abstract available at

Gorman, Michael J. Apostle of the Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction to Paul & His Letters. 2nd edition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017.

Gourgues, Michel. “2 Timothy.” In The Paulist Bible Commentary. Edited by José Enrique Aguilar Chiu et al. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2018.

Griffiths, J. I. Preaching in the New Testament: An Exegetical and Biblical-Theological Study. New Studies in Biblical Theology 42. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2017. [note chap. 4: “2 Timothy 3–4: The preacher’s charge”]

Harding, Mark. “Apocalypticism in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 259ff in Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and the Shaping of New Testament Thought. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017.

Harrill, J. A. “‘Without Lies or Deception’: Oracular Claims to Truth in the Epistle to Titus.” New Testament Studies 63.3 (2017): 451–72.

Herzer, Jens. “Die Kommentierung der Pastoralbriefe in der Reihe ‘Kritisch Exegetischer Kommentar’ durch Johannes Eduard Huther und Bernard Weiß.” In Die Geschichte des “Kritisch-exegetischen Kommentars über das Neue Testament.” Edited by E.-M. Becker, F. W. Horn, and D.-A. Koch. Forschungen zur Religion und Literature des Neuen Testament. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.

________. “‘Lukas ist allein bei mir’ (2Tim 4,11): Lukas, die Pastoralbriefe und die Konstruktion von Geschichte.” Pages 27–58 in Luke on Jesus, Paul and Christianity: What Did He Really Know? Edited by J. Verheyden and J. S.Kloppenborg. Biblical Tools and Studies 29. Leuven: Peeters, 2017.

________. “Zwischen Mythos und Wahrheit: Neue Perspektiven aud die sogenannten Pastoralbriefen.” New Testament Studies 63.3 (2017): 428-50.

Himes, Paul. “Rethinking the Translation of Διδακτικός in 1 Timothy 3.2 and 2 Timothy 2.24.” The Bible Translator 68.2 (2017): 189–208.

Hoklotubbe, T. Christopher. Civilized Piety: The Rhetoric of Pietas in the Pastoral Epistles and the Roman Empire. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2017.

Hollenback, George M. “An Overlooked Backdrop to the Coining of ἀρσενοκοίτης.” Early Christianity 8.2 (2017): 269–73. [1 Tim 1:10]

Hutson, Christopher R. “God’s Household Manager: Reading the Pastoral Epistles in Light of Philodemus.” Bible, Missions and Ministry 1 (2017). Online:

Jacobs, Maretha M. “On Fairness and Accuracy in the Academy: A Brief Response to Wim Vergeer’s Use of Terminologies, and Some Simplifications, in the Article “The Redeemer in an ‘Irredeemable Text’ (1 Timothy 2:9-15).” Neotestamentica 51.2 (2017): 359–65.

Jeon, Paul S. 1 Timothy: A Charge to God’s Missional Household. 3 vols. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017.

Jung, Ji-Moon. “The Adaptation of Christians to Society in the Late First Century and the Early Second Century. (1세기 말 2세기 초 초기 기독교의 현실 적응)” Journal of Chung-Ang Historical Studies 46 (2017): 361‒89. English abstract online:

Kim, Daniel J. (다니엘 김), and Hyoung Gil Kim (김형길). “A Study on Church Leadership Through the Pastoral Epistles. (목회서신을 통해 본 교회 리더십에 관한 연구)” Logos Management Review (로고스경영연구 제) 15.4 (2017): 37‒52. English abstract online:

Kim, Young-in (김영인). “Is Jesus Christ the Predication of God? The Korean Bible Translation of Titus 2:13. (예수 그리스도가 하나님의 서술어인가? 디도서 2:13의 번역 문제)” Journal of Biblical Text Research (성경원문연구) 41.2 (2017): 160‒78. Online:

Kleinig, John W. “Paul’s Antidote for Pastoral Timidity in 2 Timothy 1:6–14.” Logia 26.2 (2017): 7–10.

Köstenberger, Andreas J. Commentary on 1-2 Timothy & Titus. Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation. Nashville, TN: Holman, 2017.

Lang, Markus. “‘Nützlich’ in den richtigen Händen: Schriftrezeption in den Pastoralbriefen.” Pages 235–48 in Paulinische Schriftrezeption: Grundlagen—Ausprägungen—Wirkungen—Wertungen. Edited by F. Wilk and M. Öhler. Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments 268. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017.

Lehtipuu, Outi. “To Remarry or Not to Remarry? 1 Timothy 5:14 in Early Christian Ascetic Discourse.” Studia Theologica—Nordic Journal of Theology 71.1 (2017): 29–50. Abstract online:

Lookadoo, Jonathon. “Polycarp, Paul, and the Letters to Timothy.” Novum Testamentum 59.4 (2017): 366–83.

Meletsi, Kyriaki Georgios. “The Organizational Structure of the Christian Church according to the Pastoral Epistles undert the Light of the Hellenic-Roman Cultic Associations.” Ph.D. diss., National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, 2017. Abstract:

Mann, Jeremy. “A Consecrated Cosmos? First Timothy 4:1–5 in Exegetical and Theological Perspective.” Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology 4.2 (2017): 79–88. (Available through

Menzies, Robert P. “Subsequence in the Pauline Epistles.” Pneuma 39 (2017): 342–63. [particular attention given to 2 Tim 1:6–7’s pneumatology]

Mitchell, Margaret M. “Re-envisioning Ekklēsia Space: Evidence of the Flexible Use of Household Space for Religious Instruction and Practice in the Pastoral Epistles.” Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 18/19.1 (2017): 91‒104.

Miller, Jeff. “Saved through Childbearing? 1 Timothy 2:15 as a Hermeneutical Caveat.” Stone Campbell Journal 20.2 (2017): 215‒25.

Mounce, William D. “The Noble Task: Leadership in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 438‒51 in Biblical Leadership: Theology for the Everyday Leader. Edited by Benjamin K. Forrest and Chet Roden. Biblical Theology for the Church. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2017.

Neudorfer, Heinz-Werner. Der zweite Brief des Paulus an Timotheus. Historisch-Theologisch Auslegung. Wuppertal: R. Brockhaus, 2017.

O’Donnell, Tim. “The Rhetorical Strategy of 1 Timothy.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 79.3 (2017): 455–75.

Park, Sung-Ho (박성호). “She will be saved through childbearing? Reflection on 1 Timothy 2:15. (해산함으로 구원을 얻으리라? 디모데전서 2:15에 관한 소고)” Journal of Biblical Text Research (성경원문연구) 40.1 (2017): 162‒86. English abstract online:

Park, Taehyeun (박태현). “Calvin’s Understanding of [the] Preacher: With Reference to Les ordon[n]ances ecclésiastiques de 1541 and His Preaching on the Pastoral Epistles” (칼빈의 설교자 이해: 『교회법령』(1541)과 목회서신 강해설교를 중심으로). Korean Reformed Theology (한국개혁신학) 55 (2017): 153‒91. English abstract online:

Patrick, Tim. “The Pastoral Offices in the Pastoral Epistles and the Church of England’s First Ordinal.” In Paul as Pastor. Edited by Brian S. Rosner, Andrew S. Malone, and Trevor J. Burke. New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017.

Perkins, Larry J. The Pastoral Letters: A Handbook on the Greek Text. Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2017.

Rayburn, R. S., and S. A. Nicoletti. “An Elder Must Have Believing Children: Titus 1:6 and a Neglected Case of Conscience.” Presbyterion 43.2 (2017): 69-80.

Sirilla, Michael G. The Ideal Bishop: Aquinas’s Commentaries on the Pastoral Epistles. Thomistic Ressourcement 8. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2017.

Söding, Thomas. “1 Timothy.“ In The Paulist Bible Commentary. Edited by José Enrique Aguilar Chiu et al. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2018.

Theobald, Michael. “Titus.“ In The Paulist Bible Commentary. Edited by José Enrique Aguilar Chiu et al. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2018.

Thornton, Dillon. “Consecrated Creation: First Timothy 4:1–5 as an Underused Remedy for the Cosmological Dualism Prevalent in the Church.” Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology 4.1 (2017): 15–25. (Available through

Trebilco, Paul R. “Engaging—or Not Engaging—the City: Reading 1 and 2 Timothy and the Johannine Letters in the City of Ephesus.” Pages 160–86 in The Urban World and the First Christians. Edited by Steve Walton, Paul R. Trebilco, and David W. J. Gill. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2017.

________. Outsider Designations and Boundary Construction in the New Testament. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. [Note chap. 10, “The Functions of Outsider Designations in the Pastoral Epistles and 1 Peter,” pp. 243–80]

Van Nes, Jermo. “Hapax legomena in Disputed Pauline Letters: A Reassessment.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 109.1 (2018): 118­­­–37.

________. “Missing ‘Particles’ in Disputed Pauline Letters? A Question of Method.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 40.3 (2018): 383–98.

________. Pauline Language and the Pastoral Epistles: A Study of Linguistic Variation in the Corpus Paulinum. Linguistic Biblical Studies 16. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

Van Nes, Jermo, and H. Koning. “Motif-Semantic Differences in Paul? A Question to Advocates of the Pastorals’ Plural Authorship in Dialogue with Michaela Engelmann.” Tyndale Bulletin 68.1 (2017): 73–94.

Wenkel, David H. “The Lord Will Reveal the Lord: God’s Invisibility and Jesus’ Visibility in 1 Timothy.” Horizons in Biblical Theology 39 (2017): 197–210.

Winger, Thomas M. “‘Saved through Child-bearing’? Theology and Hermeneutics in Reading 1 Timothy 2:15.” Pages 283–300 in The Press of the Text: Biblical Studies in Honor of James W. Voelz. Edited by Andrew H. Bartlet, Jeffrey Kloha, and Paul R. Raabe. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017.

Yarborough, Robert. “Paul as Working Pastor: Exposing an Open Ethical Secret.” In Paul as Pastor. Edited by Brian S. Rosner, Andrew S. Malone, and Trevor J. Burke. New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017.

Yates, Kenneth. “All Faith Is Good? (Titus 2:10).” Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society 30.58 (2017): 3‒16. Online:

Zamfir, Korinna. “The Departing Paul: Some Reflections on the Meaning of Spendomai and Its Early Christian Reception.” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 93.1 (2017): 75–94. [2 Tim 4:6] (available through

Zbroja, Bogdan. “‘Zdrowa doktryna’ jako podstawa jedności chrześcijan w Listach Pasterskich [‘Healthy doctrine’ as the basis for Christian unity in the Pastoral Epistles].” Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 70.3 (2017): 205‒21. Online:

Recent Work on the Pastoral Epistles

I am aware of four books related to the Pastorals that have just come out, and thought it would be useful to mention them here.

First is the new volume on the PE in the Baylor Handbook series. The series as a whole has been very well done so I look forward to seeing this PE volume by Larry Perkins.



Second, is this new edition of Aquinas’s commentaries on the PE, Michael G Sirilla, The Ideal Bishop: Aquinas’s Commentaries on the Pastoral Epistles (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press. 2017).

I have only glanced at it so far. Here is the table of contents:


  1. Introduction
  2. The Theology of the Episcopacy in the Writings
  3. St. Thomas’s Lectures on the Pastoral Epistles
  4. Lectures on 1 Timothy: Ut gubernet populum
  5. Lectures on 2 Timothy: Ut pro populo subdito patiatur
  6. Lectures on Titus: Ut malos coerceat
  7. Conclusion


This will be fascinating in terms of the history of interpretation.

Third, Baylor has also published a new monograph on the Pastorals, Civilized Piety: The Rhetoric of Pietas in the Pastoral Epistles and the Roman Empire by T. Christopher Hoklotubbe. Here is the table of contents for this book:

Introduction: The Politics of Piety in the Pastoral Epistles

  1. Piety in Caesar’s House
  2. Piety in God’s House
  3. Honoring Piety in the City
  4. Honoring Piety in the Ekklēsia
  5. The Mystery of Philosophical Piety
  6. The Mystery of Pastoral Piety

Conclusion: A Pious and Civilized Christian in the Roman Empire


Fourth, the Pastorals are dealt within this interesting new book, Paul as Pastor, edited by Brian S. Rosner, Andrew S. Malone, and Trevor J. Burke (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. 2018). The PE are dealt with by Bob Yarbrough in chapter 11 (which can be viewed at Amazon)



  1. The Household Setting of Paul’s Pastoral Practice and its Biblical and Jewish Roots — Brian S. Rosner, Ridley College, Australia
    2. Paul as Pastor in Acts: Modelling and Teaching Perseverance in the Faith – Alan J. Thompson, Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Australia
    3. Paul as Pastor in Romans: Theological Foundations – Colin G. Kruse, Melbourne School of Theology, Australia
    4. Paul’s Pastoral Sensitivity in 1 Corinthians – Matthew R. Malcolm, Trinity Theological College, Australia
    5. Paul as Pastor in 2 Corinthians – Paul W. Barnett, Macquarie University, Australia
    6. Pastoring with a Big Stick: Paul as Pastor in Galatians – Michael F. Bird, Ridley College, Australia and John Anthony Dunne, St. Andrew’s University, UK
    7. Paul and Pastors in Ephesians: The Pastor as Teacher – Peter Orr, Moore Theological College, Australia
    8. Paul and Pastors in Philippians: When Staff teams Disagree – Sarah Harris, Carey Baptist College, New Zealand
    9. Paul as Pastor in Colossians? – Andrew S. Malone, Ridley College, Australia
    10. Mother, Father, Infant, Orphan, Brother: Paul’s Variegated Pastoral Strategy Towards His Thessalonian Church-Family – Trevor J. Burke, Cambridge Theological Federation, UK
    11. Paul as Working Pastor: Exposing an Open Ethical Secret – Robert W. Yarbrough, Covenant Theological Seminary, USA
    12. The Pastoral Offices in the Pastoral Epistles and the Church of England’s First Ordinal – Tim Patrick, Bible College SA, Australia
    13. Augustine of Hippo on Paul as Pastor – Andrew M. Bain, Queensland Theological College, Australia
    14. ‘He Followed Paul’ Whitefield’s Voice: Heroic, Apostolic, Prophetic – Rhys S. Bezzant, Ridley College, Australia


Lastly, I have also just received a copy of a recent article, “The Rhetorical Strategy of 1 Timothy,” by Tim O’Donnell published in Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 79:3 (July 2017): 455-475. I look forward to reading this soon.


These are encouraging signs for work on these important letters.

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