I was perusing the printed ETS 2007 program the other day and noted the following sessions having to do with the Pastoral Epistles. If you’re going to be at the ETS meeting in San Diego this November, maybe you should try to catch one of these papers.
Wednesday Morning (Nov 14)
Garden Salon Two
New Testament
Theme: Paul
9:20-10:00 AM
Greg MaGee (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)
Paul’s Response to the Shame and Pain of Imprisonment in 2 Timothy
11:00-11:40 AM
L. Timothy Swinson (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)
“Faithful Sayings” or One Faithful Word? Another View of πιστος ο λογος in the Pastoral Epistles
Thursday Morning (Nov 15)
Literature of the Bible Study Group
Theme: Familiar Biblical Texts Through a Literary Lens
8:30-11:40 AM
[note that there are three papers plus a planning meeting in this time frame, Ray’s paper is second]
Ray Van Neste (Union University)
Looking Through a Literary Lens at a Pastoral Epistle
Thursday Afternoon (Nov 15)
Garden Salon Two
Patristics Study Group
Theme: Early Christianity in Africa
2:10-5:20 PM
[note that there are four papers in this time frame, the below paper is listed fourth]
Francis X. Gumerlock (Providence Theological Seminary)
When ‘All’ meant ‘Some’: Fulgentius of Ruspe on $esv(1Ti 2.4)
Respondent: Paul Hartog (Faith Baptist Theological Seminary)
Friday Morning (Nov 16)
Royal Palm Salon Three
New Testament
[this isn’t specifically on the Pastorals, but 1Co 14.33 always comes up when you’re discussing $esv(1Ti 2.11-15)]
William Warren (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary)
Orderly Worship or Silent Women: A Study of $esv(1 Corinthians 14.33)
Unfortunately, I’ll have to miss most of these sessions. I don’t arrive until early Wednesday afternoon so I’ll miss the Wednesday AM papers (Swinson’s sounds good; I heard him present on a text-critical issue in the Pastorals last year). I present a non-Pastoral-Epistles paper on Wednesday afternoon (at 4:10 in Garden Salon Two). On Friday morning, I moderate a section on the Gospel of John (from 9:00 to 12:10 in Royal Palm Salon Five, do stop by and say ‘hello’ if you’d like).