In the most recent Journal of Biblical Literature, Brice C. Jones has published an article on three new Coptic papyrus fragments that witness text of the Pastoral Epistles.
Brice C. Jones, “Three New Coptic Papyrus Fragments of 2 Timothy and Titus (P.Mich. inv. 3535b)”. Journal of Biblical Literature, no 2 (2014): 389–397.
The article provides discussion and transcriptions of the fragments. Text on the fragments are:
- Fragment 1: 2 Tim 2:14–18; 2:26–3:3
- Fragment 2: 2 Tim 1:6–11; 1:18–2:6
- Fragment 3: 2 Tim 4:18–20; Titus 1:7–9
Jones hesitates to provide dates any more specific than “sometime between the fourth and sixth centuries” (392).
I have yet to really read the article, but any time fragments of NT text are located, it is an important thing. Thanks to Brice C. Jones (see his blog) for his work in publishing these fragments.