Chuck Bumgardner has once again done us the wonderful service of compiling a list of publications from the year (2016). This is an excellent resource for anyone trying to stay abreast of scholarship on the Pastorals. If you know of an item that should be added to the list please let us know by sending us an email at pastoralepistles at gmail dot com.


Aageson, James. “Paul and the Next Generations of the Church.” Pages 111-30 in Windows on Early Christianity: Uncommon Stories, Striking Images, Critical Perspectives. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2016.

Adewuya, J. A. Holiness in the Letters of Paul: The Necessary Response to the Gospel. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2016. [Note chap. 10, “Holiness in the Pastoral Epistles,” pp. 148–58]

Barcley, W. B. “Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles,” “1 Timothy,” “2 Timothy,” and “Titus.” Pages 349–400 in A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospel Realized. Edited by Michael J. Kruger. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2016.

Bénétreau, S. “Projets apostoliques: selon 2 Timothée 3.10, une sujétion, pour Timothée, aux projets de Paul? Spécificité de liberté chrétienne.” Théologie évangélique [Vaux-sur-Seine] 15.2 (2016): 16-28.

Brannan, Rick. Lexical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles: First Timothy. Appian Way, 2016.

________. Second Timothy: Notes on Grammar, Syntax, and Structure. Appian Way, 2016.

Brueggemann, W. Money and Possessions. Interpretation Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2016. (note chap. 13: “The Pastoral Epistles: Order in the Household,” pp. 239–47)

Bumgardner, Charles J. “Kinship, Christian Kinship, and the Letters to Timothy and Titus.” Southeastern Theological Review 7.2 (2016): 3–18.

________. “Paul’s Letters to Timothy and Titus: A Literature Review (2009–2015).” Southeastern Theological Review 7.2 (2016): 77–116.

Butticaz, S. “The Construction of Apostolic Memories in the Light of Two New Testament Pseudepigrapha (2 Tm and 2 Pt).” Annali di storia dell’esegesi 33.2 (2016): 341–63.

Carter, C. L. “Leading down the Via Negativa: I Timothy as a Test Case for an Apophatic Theology of Leadership.” Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology 20.1 (2016): 61–85.

Carter, W. God in the New Testament. Core Biblical Studies. Nashville: Abingdon, 2016. [note chap. 13: “The Household of God and Its Male Guardians (1 Tim 3:1–15; 2 Tim 2:14–26),” pp. 139–150]

Cholvy, B. “‘Vivre dans le temps présent avec réserve, justice et piété’ (Tt), peut-il être désirable?” Recherches de Science Religieuse 104.4 (2016): 533-50.

Couser, Greg A. “Divergent, Insurgent or Allegiant? 1 Timothy 5:1–2 and the Nature of God’s Household.” Southeastern Theological Review 7.2 (2016): 19–34.

________. “‘How Firm a Foundation’: The Ecclesiology of 2 Tim 2:19–21.” Bibliotheca Sacra 173 (2016): 460–75.

Cuvillier, E. “Les collaborateurs dans la communication paulinienne: l’exemple de Timothée.” Protestantesimo 71:1–3 (2016): 61–70.

Davey, Wesley T. “Sight in the Tempest: Suffering as Participation with Christ in the Pauline Corpus.” Ph.D. diss., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016. [note “The Place of SPC [suffering as participation with Christ] in 2 Timothy 2:1–13,” pp. 214-33]

Davis, P. A., Jr. Translating 2 Timothy Clause by Clause: An Exegetical Guide. EBooks for Translating the New Testament. Leesburg, IN: Cyber-Center for Biblical Studies, 2016.

DeFranza, Megan K. “Journeying from the Bible to Christian Ethics in Search of Common Ground.” Pages 69–101 in Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church. Edited by Preston Sprinkle. Counterpoints: Bible & Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016. [note “Corinthians and Timothy—Their Background in Leviticus, Genesis, and Judges,” pp. 72–81]

Dickson, J. P. “‘Teaching’ as Traditioning in 1 Timothy 2:12: An Historical Observation.” Pages 109-19 in The Gender Conversation: Evangelical Perspectives on Gender, Scripture, and the Christian Life. Edited by E. Murphy and D. Starling. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016 [Responses by Lyn Kidson, pp. 120-21; and Hefin Jones, pp. 122-24]

Downs, David J., and W. Rogan. “‘Let us teach ourselves first to follow the commandment of the Lord’ (Pol. Phil. 4.1): An Additional Note on ‘the Commandment’ as Almsgiving.” New Testament Studies 62.4 (2016): 628–36.

Dragutinović, P. “Ταῦτα πάσχω (2Tim 1,12): Wer verfolgt wen in den Pastoralbriefen?“ Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 92.3 (2016): 469–86.

Edwards, B. G. “Honor True Widows: 1 Timothy 5:3–16 with Implications for the Church’s Social Responsibilities.” Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 21 (2016): 87–105.

Elliott, J. H. “The Pastorals and a Weberian Perspective on Ecclesial Authority and Leadership.” Pages 131–57 in Exploring Biblical Kinship: Festschrift in Honor of John J. Pilch. Edited by J. C. Campbell and P. J. Hartin. Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 55. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2016.

Foster, T. D. “1 Timothy 2:8–15 and Gender Wars at Ephesus.” Priscilla Papers 30.3 (2016): 1–10.

Georgia, A. T. “‘Unless he competes professionally’: Agonism and Cultural Production among Christians and Jews in the Roman World.” PhD diss., Fordham University, 2016.

Ghisalberti, G. “The Christology of Shame and the Re-evaluations of Hellenic Ideas in 1 and 2 Timothy.” Heythrop Journal 57.4 (2016): 625–37.

Gourgues, Michel. “Jesus’s Testimony before Pilate in 1 Timothy 6:13.” Journal of Biblical Literature 135.3 (2016): 639–48.

Hartenstein, Judith.“Weibliche Askese und christliche Identität im 2. Jh. n. Chr.” Pages 213-26 in Dem Körper eingeschrieben: Verkörperung zwischen Leiberleben und kulturellem Sinn. Edited by Matthias Jung, Michaela Bauks, and Andreas Ackerman. Studien zur Interdisziplinären Anthropologie. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2016. (Abstract:

Herzer, Jens. “‘Gefäße zur Ehre und zur Unehre’ (2 Tim 2,20): Metaphorische Sprache und Ethik in den Pastoralbriefen – eine Skizze.” Pages 49–70 in Metapher—Narratio—Mimesis—Doxologie: Begründungsformen frühchristlicher und antiker Ethik. Edited by U. Volp, F. W. Horn, and R. Zimmerman. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Contexts and Norms of New Testament Ethics 7. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.

________. “Tradition und Bekenntnis. Die Theologie des Paulus im Spiegel ihrer Rezeption im Ersten Timotheusbrief.” Pages 247–72 in Petrus und Paulus: Geschichte—Theologie—Rezeption. Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte 48. Edited by H. Omerzu and E. D. Schmidt. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016.

Hoklotubbe, T. C. “Great Is the Mystery of Piety: Contested Claims to Piety in Plutarch, Philo, and 1 Timothy.” Pages 155–66 in Religious Competition in the Greco-Roman World. Edited by N. P. Desrosiers and L. C. Vuong. SBL Writings from the Greco-Roman World Supplement Series 10. Atlanta: SBL, 2016.

Hübner, Jamin. “Revisiting the Clarity of Scripture in 1 Timothy 2:12.” Journal of the Evangelical Society 59 (2016): 99-117.

Huizenga, A. B. 1-2 Timothy, Titus. Wisdom Commentary. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2016.

Jones, H. “Women, Teaching, and Authority: A Case for Understanding the Nature of Congregational Oversight as Underlying 1 Timothy 2:11-12.” Pages 143-54 in The Gender Conversation: Evangelical Perspectives on Gender, Scripture, and the Christian Life. Edited by E. Murphy and D. Starling. Macquarie Park, Australia / Eugene, OR: Morling / Wipf & Stock, 2016 [Responses by John Dickson, pp. 155-56; and Lyn Kidson, pp. 157-59]

Klein, H. “Paulus als Verkündiger, Apostel und Lehrer in den Pastoralbriefen.” Sacra Scripta 12 (2014): 43-63. Reprint, pages 325–43 in Entwicklungslinien im Corpus Paulinum und weitere Studien zu Paulustexten. Edited by T. Nicklas. Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments 265. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016.

Köstenberger, Andreas J. and Thomas R. Schreiner, eds. Women in the Church: An Analysis and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9–15.  3rd ed. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2016.

Krause, Deborah, “Construing and Containing an Imperial Paul: Rhetoric and the Politics of Representation in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 203–20 in An Introduction to Empire in the New Testament. Edited by A.Winn. SBL Resources for Biblical Study 84. Atlanta: SBL, 2016.

Kruger, Michael J. “First Timothy 5:18 and Early Canon Consciousness: Reconsidering a Problematic Text.” Pages 680–700 in The Language and Literature of the New Testament: Essays in Honor of Stanley E. Porter’s 60th Birthday. Edited by Lois Fuller Dow, Craig A. Evans, and Andrew W. Pitts. Biblical Interpretation Series 150. Leiden: Brill, 2016.

Lappenga, B. J. Paul’s Language of Ζῆλος: Monosemy and the Rhetoric of Identity and Practice. Bibilical Interpretation Series 137. Leiden: Brill, 2016. (Titus 2:14 discussed on pp. 205–8)

Long, T. G. 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2016.

Marcheselli-Casale, C. “Commentario Lettere Pastorali a Timoteo e a Tito.” In Le lettere di san Paolo. Edited by A. Biancalani and B. Rossi. Rome: Città Nuova, 2016.

Massey, P. T. “Women, Talking and Silence: 1 Corinthians 11.5 and 14.34–35 in the Light of Greco-Roman Culture.” Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 12 (2016): 127–60. [aside form the obvious implications work that work in 1 Cor 14.34-35 has for 1 Tim 2:9-15, this article briefly engages περίεργοι in 1 Tim 5:13, pp. 134–36]

McKay, J. M., Jr. Translating Titus Clause by Clause: An Exegetical Guide. EBooks for Translating the New Testament. Leesburg, IN: Cyber-Center for Biblical Studies, 2016.

Menéndez-Antuña, Luis. “Cuerpos ambiguos: Un estudio comparativo del status antropológico y político de las mujeres en las Cartas Pastorales y los Hechos Apócrifos de Pablo y Tecla.” ‘Ilu: Revista de ciencias de las religiones 21 (2016): 93–113.

Nihinlola, E. “Saved through Childbearing: An African Feminist Interpretation and Theology.” Evangelical Review of Theology 40.4 (2016): 314–26.

Obielosi, D. C. “Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible: An Exegetical Interpretation of 1Tim 3,16.” Journal of Religion and Human Relations 8.1 (2016): 1–19.

Ong, Hughson T. “Is There a Heresy in the Pastorals? A Sociolinguistic Analysis of 1 and 2 Timothy via the Ethnography of Communication Theory.” Pages 119-38 in Paul and Gnosis. Edited by S. E. Porter and D. I. Yoon. Pauline Studies 9. Leiden: Brill, 2016.

Opatrný, D. “Theologically Significant Textual Variants in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 229–39 in The Process of Authority: The Dynamics of Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts. Edited by J. Dušek and J. Roskovec. Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 27. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016.

Pervo, Richard I. The Pastorals and Polycarp: Titus, 1–2 Timothy, and Polycarp to the Philippians. Scholars Bible 5. Salem, OR: Polebridge, 2016.

Pietersen, Lloyd K. “Artemis, Demons, Mammon and Satan: The Construal of Evil in 1 Timothy.” In Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Chrisitanity. Edited by C. Keith and L. Stuckenbruck. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2/417. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.

Pitts, Andrew W., and J. D. Tyra. “Exploring Linguistic Variation in an Ancient Greek Single-Author Corpus: A Register Design Analysis of Josephus and Pauline Pseudonymity.” Pages 257–83 in The Language and Literature of the New Testament: Essays in Honor of Stanley E. Porter’s 60th Birthday. Edited by L. K. Fuller Dow, C. A. Evans, and A. W. Pitts. Biblical Interpretation Series 50. Leiden: Brill, 2016.

Smith, Craig A. 2 Timothy. Readings: A New Biblical Commentary. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2016.

Stiekes, Gregory J. “The Fall of Eve in Paul.” Ph.D. diss., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2016. [note specific treatment of 1 Tim. 2:13–14 on pp. 49–56, 184–97]

________. “Paul’s Family of God: What Familial Language in the Pastorals Can and Cannot Tell Us about the Church.” Southeastern Theological Review 7.2 (2016): 35–56.

Swinson, L. Timothy. “Πιστὸς ὁ λόγος: An Alternative Analysis.” Southeastern Theological Review 7.2 (2016): 57–76.

Theobald, M. “Alt und Neu. Innovative Begriffsbildungen in den Pastoralbriefen als Indiz ihres pseudepigraphen Charakters.” Pages 357-380 in Der jüdische Messias Jesus und sein jüdischer Apostel Paulus. Edited by A. D. Baum, D. Häußer and E. L. Rehfeld. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2/425. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.

________. Israel-Vergessenheit in den Pastoralbriefen: Ein neuer Vorschlag zu ihrer historisch-theologischen Verortung im 2. Jahrhundert. n. Chr. unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ignatius-Briefe. Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 229. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2016.

Thiessen, J. (with R. Fuchs). Die umstrittenen Paulusbriefe—Abschriften und Fälschungen? Intertextuelle, literarkritische und theologische Studien. Studien zu Theologie und Bibel 19. Wien: LIT, 2016. [note “Die ‘Pastoralbriefe’ — Fälschungen eines Paulusschülers?,” pp. 231–404]

Thornton, Dillon. Hostility in the House of God: An Investigation of the Opponents in 1 and 2 Timothy. Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement 15. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2016.

________.“‘Saying What They Should Not Say’: Reassessing the Gravity of the Problem of the Younger Widows (1 Tim 5:11–15).” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 59.1 (2016): 119-29.

Urban, D. V. “Allusion to 1 Timothy 5:17 in John Milton’s Paradise Lost 9.332.” Notes & Queries 63.1 (2016): 59.

Van Nes, Jermo. “On the Origin of the Pastorals’ Authenticity Criticism: A ‘New’ Perspective.” New Testament Studies 62.2 (2016): 315-20.

Vollenweider, S. “‘Einer ist der Mittler‘ (1 Tim 2,5): Mittleraussagen der neutestamentlichen Briefliteratur in ihren frühjüdischen und hellenistischen Kontexten.“ Pages 209–28 in Vermittelte Gegenwart: Konzeptionen der Gottespräsenz von der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels bis Anfang des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Edited by A. Taschl-Erber and I. Fischer. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 367. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.

Weidemann, Hans-Ulrich. “Die Pastoralbriefe,” Theologische Rundschau 81.4 (2016): 353-403.

Westfall, Cynthia L. Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle’s Vision for Men and Women in Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2016. [note chap. 9, “1 Timothy 2:11–15”]

Zamfir, Korinna. “Üdvösség a házasság vagy a szüzesség útján? A pasztorális levelek és a Tekla-cselekedetek vitája [Salvation Through Marriage or Virginity? The Debate of the Acts of Thecla with the Pastoral Epistles].” Pages 127–43 in “Kincseiből régit és újat”: Ünnepi kötet Gaál Endre 70. születésnapjára. Edited by F. TAMÁS. Esztergom: Esztergomi Hittudományi Főiskola, 2016.

Zamfir, Korinna, and J. Verheyden. “Reference-Text-Oriented Allusions.“ Pages 242–53 in Exploring Intertextuality: Diverse Strategies for New Testament Interpretation of Texts. Edited by B. J. Oropeza and S. Moyise. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2016.