It’s been awhile since we’ve posted recent reviews on monographs and commentaries on the Pastorals (in part or in whole). Here are a number of them that have come to our attention which we have not previously noted; we are limiting the selection to reviews on books published in the last three years (2018-2020).
Gerald Bray, The Pastoral Epistles (ITC; 2019): Reviewed by Michael Lakey, JSNT 42.5 (2020): 105-6; Michael Robertson, RSR 46.3 (2020): 410; Robert Yarbrough, JETS 63.4 (2020): 890-93.
Christopher Hutson, First and Second Timothy and Titus (Paideia, 2019): Reviewed by Alex Teas, Pneuma 42.2 (2020): 315-17 (most of the review is available here).
Nathan Nzyoka Joshua, Benefaction and Patronage in Leadership: A Socio-Historical Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles (2018): Reviewed by Jin Hwan Lee, RBL (2020).
Elif Hilal Karaman, Ephesian Women in Greco-Roman and Early Christian Perspective (2018). Reviewed by Jill Marshall, RBL (2019); Charles Nathan Ridlehoover, BBR 30.1 (2020): 161-63.
Jermo van Nes, Pauline Language and the Pastoral Epistles (2018): Reviewed by Benjamin White, RBL (2020).