I think I’m going to begin something that I may or may not finish. I always hesitate announcing a new “series” because I may never finish the series. But, I find myself thinking about Second Timothy now, and thinking about an analysis and discussion of the text.
One initial step I take in thinking about a text is to translate it. But I don’t just translate, I also think about the structure of the text. When I did this for the Didache awhile back, I ended up with what I called a “Phrasal Interlinear“. I’m starting the same thing with Second Timothy. I may or may not finish. (Update: Finished on May 3, 2009.) The good news is that I already translated Second Timothy five or six years ago, though it needs some work.
- Second Timothy 1.1-5
- Second Timothy 1.6-7
- Second Timothy 1.8-12
- Second Timothy 1.13-14
- Second Timothy 1.15-18
- Second Timothy 2.1-7
- Second Timothy 2.8-13
- Second Timothy 2.14-21
- Second Timothy 2.22-26
- Second Timothy 3.1-5
- Second Timothy 3.6-9
- Second Timothy 3.10-13
- Second Timothy 3.14-17
- Second Timothy 4.1-8
- Second Timothy 4.9-13
- Second Timothy 4.14-15
- Second Timothy 4.16-18
- Second Timothy 4.19-22
Consulted Resources
I’d be stupid not to consult existing resources for this sort of thing. And there are many. Here are a few of the best. Thankfully, I have all of these (except for Comfort’s new textual commentary) in Logos Bible Software.
Runge, Steven. The Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament. Logos Bible Software. (Uses UBS4 text as primary, includes in-context glosses from the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament)
Porter, O’Donnell, Reed, Tan. The OpenText.org Syntactically Analyzed Greek New Testament: Clause Analysis. Logos Bible Software.
Knight, George. $amz(0802823955 Pastoral Epistles) (NIGTC). Eerdmans.
Marshall, I. Howard. $amz(0567084558 A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles). T&T Clark.
Mounce, William. $amz(0849902452 Pastoral Epistles) (Word Biblical Commentary, Vol. 46). Thomas Nelson
Towner, Philip. $amz(0802825133 The Letters to Timothy and Titus) (NICNT). Eerdmans
BDAG, LSJ, Louw Nida.
Van Neste, Ray. $amz(0567083373 Structure and Cohesion in the Pastoral Epistles). Sheffield Academic.
Text-Critical Material
NA27 apparatus
Comfort, Philip W. $amz(141431034X New Testament Text and Translation Commentary). Tyndale.
Metzger, Bruce W. $amz(1598561642 Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament). United Bible Societies