If you are attending the Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting next month in Baltimore, come and join us at the Pastoral Epistles Study Group. Here is the basic information on time, place, speakers and topics.


08:30 AM-11:40 AM
Hilton — Johnson A
Pastoral Epistles: Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles

Greg Couser
Cedarville University

08:30 AM—09:10 AM
Randy Richards
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Ancient Authorship Models and the Pastoral Epistles

09:20 AM—10:00 AM
L. Timothy Swinson
Liberty University
Paul’s use of “Graphe” in 1 Cor 15:3-4 and 1 Tim 5:18

10:10 AM—10:50 AM
Ray Van Neste
Union University
Coherence and Authorship in the 1 Timothy

11:00 AM—11:40 AM
Panel Discussion with:
L. Timothy Swinson
Ray Van Neste
Greg Couser